I went alone for this September hike in the Modřany gully, because my girlfriend Lucía was going on holiday to her hometown in Spain and I was lazy to organize a group hike with friends. I like to go with a group of friends, but I also like to go alone and I took that… Continue reading HIKE #12: Tangled paths with wild parts in Modřany Gully nature reserve
Category: Hikes
HIKE #11: Hiking surrounded by magical forest in nature park Klánovice-Čihadla
Prague is exceptional in many things, but this I like the most I think – there are many surprising nature parks and nature reservations in its territory. And we will take you to one of them again today… Klánovice-Číhadla Nature Park and its forest is a really beautiful place. There are no scenic views, no… Continue reading HIKE #11: Hiking surrounded by magical forest in nature park Klánovice-Čihadla
HIKE #10: Relaxing hike passing fields, fishponds, and forests in nature park Říčanka
Another sunny weekend in Prague = another nice hike in Prague countryside. Do you feel like walking an easy one? Then check out Říčanka nature park as we did one Saturday in June. That day we took a short train from Masaryk railway station to the town of Běchovice and after walking through its streets… Continue reading HIKE #10: Relaxing hike passing fields, fishponds, and forests in nature park Říčanka
HIKE #9: Hike to natural gems on the border of Prague – from Vrané n. Vlt. to Dolní Břežany
Vltava horseshoe bend, gorgeous viewpoints, beautiful forests… We had this hike in our minds for a long time and that Spring day in May we finally planned it. It was a perfect day! Together with few friends, we went by train to the village Vrané n. Vlt. and started from there. We were all motivated… Continue reading HIKE #9: Hike to natural gems on the border of Prague – from Vrané n. Vlt. to Dolní Břežany
HIKE #8: Hike along 5 lakes in natural parks Smetanka and Klánovice-Čihadla
On the first day of May, the day of lovers, we finally got back to our hiking routine again. We haven’t post any for a while, right? Having a long break since our last hike we decided to go easy this day, and that is why the path with almost no hills on the way…… Continue reading HIKE #8: Hike along 5 lakes in natural parks Smetanka and Klánovice-Čihadla
HIKE #7: Hiking in Prokop valley with a stop by majestic rocks formation
After a few days of cloudy sky a sunny day came and we knew we have to go to the place where it is easy to absorb the sunshine! We chose the Prokop Valley, if you plan a path through the tops of the rocks there then this is exactly the right place for that… Continue reading HIKE #7: Hiking in Prokop valley with a stop by majestic rocks formation
HIKE #6: Hiking along Botič brook meanders towards charming Hostivař dam
Every place in Prague will look and feel differently in Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter. And that is actually great! This allows you to experience different environments while walking the same path at different times of the year. A strong example is this hike. Hostivař dam is a cool place for swimming in Summer, but… Continue reading HIKE #6: Hiking along Botič brook meanders towards charming Hostivař dam
HIKE #5: Hiking through Drahaň-Troja nature park with mysterious vibes
Last weekend I managed to go for another hike at snowy Prague. I was lucky because now is few days later and the snow is gone. With this post I am going to recall myself those beautiful Winter day. I walked through a hidden wild valley, found an abandoned old factory for dynamite! and visited… Continue reading HIKE #5: Hiking through Drahaň-Troja nature park with mysterious vibes
HIKE #4: Hiking and winter wonderland in Divoká Šárka
On this January day Prague just got freshly covered with snow and that was a great time for wandering in nature. We chose this natural park Divoká Šárka, which is a beautiful area with rocky sceneries, and on top of that very well connected by tram. Divoká Šárka is a valley surrounded by rocks and… Continue reading HIKE #4: Hiking and winter wonderland in Divoká Šárka
HIKE #3: Hiking in Chuchle Grove to watch forest animals in mini zoo
Having a cloudy and foggy day does not mean that you can’t enjoy a great day in Prague’s nature. You can spend it in Chuchle Grove watching forest animals like deers, boars, owls or even a lynx and after that continue hiking in the forest. If you visit this place you will not regret it.… Continue reading HIKE #3: Hiking in Chuchle Grove to watch forest animals in mini zoo
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