HIKE #7: Hiking in Prokop valley with a stop by majestic rocks formation

After a few days of cloudy sky a sunny day came and we knew we have to go to the place where it is easy to absorb the sunshine! We chose the Prokop Valley, if you plan a path through the tops of the rocks there then this is exactly the right place for that… Continue reading HIKE #7: Hiking in Prokop valley with a stop by majestic rocks formation


HIKE #6: Hiking along Botič brook meanders towards charming Hostivař dam

Every place in Prague will look and feel differently in Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter. And that is actually great! This allows you to experience different environments while walking the same path at different times of the year. A strong example is this hike. Hostivař dam is a cool place for swimming in Summer, but… Continue reading HIKE #6: Hiking along Botič brook meanders towards charming Hostivař dam

HIKE #5: Hiking through Drahaň-Troja nature park with mysterious vibes

Last weekend I managed to go for another hike at snowy Prague. I was lucky because now is few days later and the snow is gone. With this post I am going to recall myself those beautiful Winter day. I walked through a hidden wild valley, found an abandoned old factory for dynamite! and visited… Continue reading HIKE #5: Hiking through Drahaň-Troja nature park with mysterious vibes

HIKE #4: Hiking and winter wonderland in Divoká Šárka

On this January day Prague just got freshly covered with snow and that was a great time for wandering in nature. We chose this natural park Divoká Šárka, which is a beautiful area with rocky sceneries, and on top of that very well connected by tram. Divoká Šárka is a valley surrounded by rocks and… Continue reading HIKE #4: Hiking and winter wonderland in Divoká Šárka


WALK #1: Christmas Special – Two walks to see Christmas trees in Prague city center

Pubs and restaurants are closed due to Covid situation, but walking and hiking outside in small groups is still possible. So what about a Christmas walk in the old streets of Prague? Pack your snacks, put a hot tea/wine into a thermos bottle, and set out for the evening walk towards magical Christmas trees! Read… Continue reading WALK #1: Christmas Special – Two walks to see Christmas trees in Prague city center

HIKE #3: Hiking in Chuchle Grove to watch forest animals in mini zoo

Having a cloudy and foggy day does not mean that you can’t enjoy a great day in Prague’s nature. You can spend it in Chuchle Grove watching forest animals like deers, boars, owls or even a lynx and after that continue hiking in the forest. If you visit this place you will not regret it.… Continue reading HIKE #3: Hiking in Chuchle Grove to watch forest animals in mini zoo

HIKE #2: Hiking along Vltava to its stunning views with support of bikes

We love water surfaces, because watching them makes us relaxed very easily. Don’t you have it same? That is why we really like the surroundings of the Vltava River. If you like hiking and biking, you can easily combine these two activities in the northern part of Prague! That sunny morning, I got an idea… Continue reading HIKE #2: Hiking along Vltava to its stunning views with support of bikes


HIKE #1: Hiking in Kunratice Brook Valley for beauties of Autumn

What is your favourite place in Prague when you want to enjoy and experience beautiful colours of Czech Autumn? We have recently visited Kunratice Brook Valley for the first time and were surprised how nice and large is that forest area. Great escape to nature! Especially during Autumn as you will see… We started the… Continue reading HIKE #1: Hiking in Kunratice Brook Valley for beauties of Autumn